All up i ended up taking a whopping 1016 photos that calculated to be just a little bit over 10 GB. Awesome. I would like to thank all of you for participating in my work and making it a total success. I hope you all had fun.
I thank you for having your picture taken, taking your own personal photos of yourself and others inside the space, looking at the pictures on the all of other people who had been in the space previously and even looking at others had fun overall. i really thank you.
Without your interactivity the work would have not been possible.
The photos, as i have said to some people WAS going to be uploaded by Monday. However... 1027 photos is impossible to upload on this small blog spot so i ask for your patience and the photos will be released by MONDAY 1st DECEMBER 2008. I encourage you to take them and share them with others on your face books and store them in your hard drives. Please also do not hesitate to ask me by email for the original larger sizes. (It is better to print in larger sizes)
Once again thank you for your participation. I hope to see you guys again on my camera sometime in the near future. and remember 1st Dec come back to see your photos!
( Add me on Facebook: Joanne Kim )
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